Hey lovebugs! Wanted to jump on here and share my latest skincare purchases with you all. I have never been huge on skincare but at 26, I’m realizing that I need to start taking better care of my skin while in my 20’s!
As a teen, I had really bad acne and of course, was really self conscious about it in school. Everyone seemed to have perfect skin so I would constantly pick at my face trying to make it look as acne-less if possible lol. Unfortunately, all the picking led to acne scars that I now currently have BUT other than that, I don’t get much acne any more thank goodness.
As I mentioned, I haven’t been too big on skincare since my acne days but have realized that I should be taking care of my skin as early as possible to avoid early signs of aging. My skin type is oily around my t-zone area and combination everywhere else so I made sure to read up on product reviews before purchasing these items.
If your skin type is similar, let me know if you use any of these products or if you have other items that are your HOLY GRAIL! Would love to test them out!